CTC Outreach
(Connecting the Community)
Our CTC Outreach Program (Connecting the Community) is one of our most recent ministries that has been implemented. The Directors of this ministry is Jeff and Junita Ross. Jeff is a Licensed Credentialed minister in the Church of God. The purpose of this ministry is to effectively outreach our communities by placing Pastors in each of the four quadrants of our areas (North, South, East, and West). In addition, to better serve the communities, we will also place a Credentialed Chaplin in each of the four areas to work along and serve the Pastors of those areas. Jeff has worked in ministry for several years and bring an extensive amount of experience and stability to this vital ministry. As the Director of our CTC Outreach, both Jeff is responsible for the overall administration and implementation of this program.
Care Team
Care Team Ministry is led by Sandie Centers who is the Director of this vital ministry. The Care Team consist of a prayer chain that ministers to the shut-ins, hospitals, nursing homes, or families that have experienced a death. In addition, this team ministers and helps connect both members and visitors to our church. To help assist in this ministry we have four credentialed Chaplains. For more information please contact Sandie Centers at (423) 338-2678.
This important ministry is a unique and vital part of ministry for the Ocoee Church of God. Not only does our church meet the spiritual needs of our people and community, but we also meet the physical needs by providing food vouchers to those people who are truly in need of assistance. We partner with area businesses, and through donations of supporters that help aid with this ministry. For more information please contact Delisa Davis at (423) 338-2678.
Hope Squad
This ministry consists of men and women 55 years of age and older. The word "Hope" stands for "Happy Older People Empower." Part of a Church's stability is the men and the women who have been raised to be the prayer warriors and backbone of our congregations. It is these men and women that are willing to pray and mentor our younger generations and help lead them to a greater and richer understanding of God’s grace and mercy. For more information please contact the church office at (423) 338-2678.
Ground Shakers
Ground Shakers is the name of our young adult group, comprimised of individuals ages 19-38, married or single. One of the goals of our group is to establish a connection between the younger generations and the older generations to help them better understand each other. Another goal is to be there for each other during the challenging times of our lives. Our ultimate goal is to build up the Kingdom of God in our own special way. We laugh, cry, and learn together. For more information please contact Michael or Courtney DeLay at 423-338-2678.
Ocoee Church of God
813 US-64
Ocoee, TN 37361
(423) 338-2678
Or use our Contact Form
Worship Times:
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 AM
Sunday Night Service: 6:00 PM
Wednesday Night: 7:00 PM